Stand up March 2018 Version 1.2
My name is Daniel
Im losing my hair, been reading bout hair loss.
Depending on how you loose your hair there is a name for it
A Jude Law is for example when you loose hair so you get this peninsula shape,
Don't worry, turn it in to your advantage,
You can say: "I'm doing well, recently I got my own peninsula".
Your not lying!
The way I loose my hair, from two fronts, its called an Elon Musk.
I think thats how close I will ever get to our space.
And then you have the Bill Cosby
thats if you harass women.
I saw an amazing movie this week end! It won an Oscar as well,
a love story they where dancing and so on,
with a frog-fish-monster,
and Ryan Gosling.
Some news from the week.
I read that number of teen marijuana cases in Tokyo have increased with 100% the last year.
The number of teens using marijuana in Tokyo is now one.
I can make three different dishes with only spaghetti and ketchup
Spaghetti with ketchup
Spaghetti without ketchup
And Spaghetti surprise (Thats with or without ketchup)
Why not turning the lunch into a philosophical you can say Its Schroedingers spaghetti!
The Japanese princess Makos wedding is postponed until 2020.
rumors say its for financial reasons
But the reason is actually the wedding party band
Rammstein is fully booked the coming two years
They are touring North Korea together with Dennis Rodman.
You know that they will move that giant fish market Tsukiji,
Now they are also going to move the big meat market.
They are now looking for a suitable place for Roppongi night clubs.
Its exciting with all the construction going on in Tokyo, billions of yen being corrupted, invested I mean.
But Its not all about money though.
I read that they are now building temporary housing for people addicted to drugs, sex and money.
They are going to call it "The olympic village".
Thank you!